Saturday, September 22, 2012

Tan Secret Review

I love sunless tanners and I think they are just a great way to get that sunkissed look without the harmful rays of the sun. I also do not get tan so I live by sunless tanner.

Tan Secret, a sunless tanner that claims to get you tan in a matter of seconds. This product was featured on an infomercial and I had to try it out to see if it really worked!

I ordered Tan Secret for $9.95, 30 day trial. If I was unsatisfied they would refund my money. The product took about a week to get to my house. Once opened, it included 2 bottles of tan mouse, a bunch of plastic gloves, and a loofa with a handle.

Looking at the pictures the website shows, it seems that people are getting a very dark tan within seconds. I was hoping to see the same results!

I showered and exfoliated like the directions stated. I then turned off the shower and the directions say not to be soaking wet, just damp. So I dried my hair and put it in a bun to keep it from dripping on my shoulders. 

Once damp, I put on the gloves and followed the directions. I decided to stand in the shower to apply the tanner just to make clean up easier.. I started with my upper arm and worked to the lower arm, and so on to my feet.  I like the fact that tanner is very dark so you can see if you missed a spot. Don’t get scared because it is so dark that it will turn your skin that tan, it doesn’t.
 Once completely covered in tanner, I waited about a minute just to see a darker tan. Make sure to check your wrists under the gloves. I blended the tanner onto my arm just so it did not leave a line.

After a minute or two, I turned the shower back on and rinsed off the tanner. Once out of the shower, make sure to pat dry not rub because that can remove self –tanner.

I did not see the dark results I was expecting. I did get a tan but I thought I would be darker. Next time, I will try to leave it on for longer and see if that gives me darker results.

I think this product is great if you are running late and need a tan immediately. It definitely will give you some color.

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