Saturday, September 22, 2012

Conair Bun Maker

Running late for work today, I decided not to dry my hair and just threw it up in a bun. Since my hair is heavily layered on top and then I have clip in hair extensions, the layers tend to fall out of the bun.

I decided to stop at Ulta and pick up a bun maker by Conair. Many stores sell this such as CVS and Walgreens. I paid $4.99 for it. The package included the mesh bun, 4 pins, and a hair tie.

Many of my friends use different bun makers to make a sock bun so I figured it could not be that hard!

 I looked up a few different how-to videos on youtube to see how other people were putting in the bun.
Since my hair is so layered at the top, many videos did not work with my hair style.

If you have very layered hair, you can still do the sock bun look!

1.       Make a pony tail on top of your head.
2.       Take the mesh bun maker and put it through the pony tail to the base near your hair tie.
3.       Pull the mesh bun about half way up the pony tail.
4.       Start wrapping your hair around the bun maker and rolling it down towards the base of the ponytail.
5.       This will create the perfect bun, but you may have a few strands hanging out of the bun.
6.       Use the pins in the kit and since the bun maker is mesh you can push the pin all the way through the bun so it is not visible!
7.       Use hairspray or bobby pins to keep the fly a ways down and you have the perfect sock bun look!

Tan Secret Review

I love sunless tanners and I think they are just a great way to get that sunkissed look without the harmful rays of the sun. I also do not get tan so I live by sunless tanner.

Tan Secret, a sunless tanner that claims to get you tan in a matter of seconds. This product was featured on an infomercial and I had to try it out to see if it really worked!

I ordered Tan Secret for $9.95, 30 day trial. If I was unsatisfied they would refund my money. The product took about a week to get to my house. Once opened, it included 2 bottles of tan mouse, a bunch of plastic gloves, and a loofa with a handle.

Looking at the pictures the website shows, it seems that people are getting a very dark tan within seconds. I was hoping to see the same results!

I showered and exfoliated like the directions stated. I then turned off the shower and the directions say not to be soaking wet, just damp. So I dried my hair and put it in a bun to keep it from dripping on my shoulders. 

Once damp, I put on the gloves and followed the directions. I decided to stand in the shower to apply the tanner just to make clean up easier.. I started with my upper arm and worked to the lower arm, and so on to my feet.  I like the fact that tanner is very dark so you can see if you missed a spot. Don’t get scared because it is so dark that it will turn your skin that tan, it doesn’t.
 Once completely covered in tanner, I waited about a minute just to see a darker tan. Make sure to check your wrists under the gloves. I blended the tanner onto my arm just so it did not leave a line.

After a minute or two, I turned the shower back on and rinsed off the tanner. Once out of the shower, make sure to pat dry not rub because that can remove self –tanner.

I did not see the dark results I was expecting. I did get a tan but I thought I would be darker. Next time, I will try to leave it on for longer and see if that gives me darker results.

I think this product is great if you are running late and need a tan immediately. It definitely will give you some color.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I decided to create this blog because I am always buying new products and testing them out! I tell all my friends if I like them or not so I decided to share what I found for many popular products!

I named this blog Saavy Glam because I do not spend tons of money on these products but instead shop at popular stores found nationwide. These reviews can assist anyone that is looking to update their style or if they are like me, research products before buying!

I am  23 year old college graduate that is living on a college budget. I love updating my look or checking out new products I read about or see on tv.